remember when i mentioned dario and him corrupting your file?? yeah this is what happens. at some point if you load a save that's too early in the game, or other reasons im not entirely sure of, youre sent to what i like to call The Meat Maze. it's exactly what it sounds like, a large maze of meat. it's one of the most interesting parts of the game for me, especially for the terrifying tone shift. the entirety of goblet grotto is ominous and even a bit creepy, but still always had some amount of charm and charisma. the meat maze is something entirely different.

despite how offputting it is, there is nothing you can find here. no npcs, no jumpscares, no texture that isnt meat, nothing. even though theres nothing i still went through the effort of making a map for this place because no one else has done it!!! as you can see in the map, at some point theres just a hole in the ground. the hole is the most notable thing about this maze, and when you go in it you just drop into the void forever